- Organize orientation program on company mission and objectives, introduction to new employees, and help them understand their duties and organizational culture.
- Draft and write up staff handbook compiling company policies, working conditions, behavioral expectations, other information about the company and terms and conditions of employment.
- Work with clients to determine the employment contract that outline business relationship nature, specify compensation to be received by employee and respective duties.
- Help create a comprehensive performance appraisal system, analyzing performance reviews and appraisal forms through meetings and assessment to achieve employee development and organizational improvement.
- Write up broad and general statement of a specific job for job description, including duties, responsibilities and job’s title.
- Develop a series of job evaluation systems to facilitate employee development, establishing objectives and compare with employee’s accomplishments to carry out evaluation.
- Outline basic salary structure and grading system for clients, determining company compensation scheme.
- Generate an extensive employee benefit proposal with clients addressing needs of employees, as a motivating and strategic component fulfilling company’s goal.
- Compare competitors’ compensation scheme to work out salary benchmark, help clients to attract high quality candidate with reasonable salary.
- We help contribute to the HR branding of clients’ company by working closely according to company’s organizational culture and propose supporting activities accordingly.
- Build positive employee relations related programs by increasing satisfaction of employees and productivity in line with company objectives.
- Develop a full comprehensive employee engagement program in view of clients’ organization values and raise level commitment from employees.