Welcome to start a new start for your business in Hong Kong. Connexions offers a wide range of services and solutions to help your business meet the challenges as a trusted partner. We provide one-stop professional services, including company incorporation, company secretarial services, business management services, accounting services, to meet your business needs.
Hong Kong / Offshore Company Registration
Hong Kong, as an international financial and commercial center, equips with advanced infrastructure and sustained growth of the capital market. It has highly educated professionals and an attractive tax system. As one of the most vibrant economy centers in the world, Hong Kong not only provides entrepreneurs the most excellent developing environment in the global economic system, but also as a gateway to enter the Chinese market.
Connexions provides professional consultation, Hong Kong and offshore company incorporation, business advices on business nature, operation and strategies and offers tax-efficient solutions.

Company Secretarial Service

Each Hong Kong company should appoint a resident in Hong Kong or a Hong Kong company as the company secretary. Its primary responsibility is to ensure the company complies with the legal requirements of Hong Kong and keep records of the company’s statutory books.
Acting as your company, Connexions helps you operate the business locally and abroad coincidently and to provide high quality solutions to resolve issues which may arise from time to time. Meanwhile, we provide updates on the latest corporate laws and regulations which may impact your company. We take care of the tax filing, respond to various government correspondence. These save your time so that you can focus on your business.
Office Service
Each Hong Kong company must have a registered office in Hong Kong. Registered address must be a local address, not just the postal mail, in order to maintain the legal records and receive government letters.
Connexions provides personalized office services. It not only provides registered office address in Hong Kong, but also provides value-added services. We are responsible for handling letters and correspondence.

Accounting Service

According to Hong Kong laws, each Hong Kong company must keep complete business records for a period of seven years. Non-compliance may lead to an offence.
Our accounting services comprise effective accounting management, developing accounting structure, arranging for annual audit.
Taxation Service
Hong Kong’s tax system is simple. At present, the company’s profit tax rate is 8.25% on assessable profits for first HK$2M and 16.5% on any part of assessable profits over HK$2M. There is no capital gains tax, dividend withholding tax, consumption tax or VAT in Hong Kong. Hong Kong adopts the principle of source of income, i.e. only profits originating in Hong Kong must be taxed in Hong Kong, and profits from other places is exempted from profits tax in Hong Kong. Through the effective tax planning, the company can enjoy much tax saving.
We furnish comprehensive tax services for your enterprise management. We serve as your tax representative to facilitate effective communication with Hong Kong IRD, assist you and your company tax filing and establish efficient tax planning and arrangement.

Business Advisory Service

Business collaboration and corporate merger and acquisition are growing in dynamic and diversified commercial society. Over the years, we have participated in pre-IPO restructuring and business modelling. We also advise on shareholding structure in corporate setup and merger and acquisition, profit distribution and tax planning in ongoing business as well as corporate takeover planning. And we are competent in corporate routine management and administration. Coupled with our immersed knowledge and experience in accounting, tax, financial and human resources, our all-rounded services are highly regarded by our clients.
HRM Service
Please refer to: http://connexions.hk/