Case Studies–Ms. Guo successfully obtained Visa through General Employment Policy (GEP) in Hong Kong
Ms. Guo is a business woman from Wenzhou. When she traveled to Hong Kong for a leisure trip occasionally, she found retailing in branded apparel had huge market potential, she was thinking about to run a business here. After preparation & researching works for almost half-year, she has started up a Hong Kong company and opened some retail stores in Tsimshatsui with her business partners.

Background of the Applicants
As Ms. Guo’s Hong Kong company was just newly started, the business scale and standard of operation still need to be improved. However, the challenge was that, as the travel/business visa allowing Ms. Guo just stay for 7 days for each travel, it was hard for her to take care of the business effectively. It is necessary for her to obtain an identity to stay for longer. Finally, Ms. Guo reached us for consultation through the referral by her business partner.
Solutions by Connexions
After communicating with Ms. Guo, we have evaluated her personal background, education level and previous working experience. General Employment Policy (GEP) was pursued because it was time saving, there was no need for her to apply travel/business visa each time when she came to Hong Kong. Moreover, when Ms. Guo got the residence status, she could be allowed to stay for longer. It was compatible with her requirement and it would also be an advantage to apply permanent residence after staying for 7 years. Apart from that, when she was in Hong Kong, it was more convenient for her to apply business visa for her overseas trips frequently.
Connexions advised Ms. Guo and she had appointed us as her consultant and processed the GEP application. During the consultation process, Ms. Guo expressed her concern that due to the fact that the company was in an initial stage and the operation had not been standardized yet, it became an obstacle for the application. Ms. Guo provided us all required documents. We had organized the information in order to meet the requirement of Immigration Department and Ms. Guo obtained the approval successfully.
Connexions always dedicated to provide professional advisory, backup and solutions for clients living in Hong Kong. At the same time, as we assisted in corporate management, accounting and finance, through our help, Ms. Guo’s company business has been getting on track much quickly and we also assisted in the company’s partners to apply the GEP successfully.
Connexions applied the first and subsequent visa renewal for Ms. Guo. And Ms. Guo obtained the permanent residence status in Hong Kong after seven-year stay in Hong Kong.